Hillsboro figures prominently in the history of Mudgap, and in the life of it's most honored oldtimer.
Hatch New Mexico is an Internationally known neighbor.

Cloudcroft is almost a sister city to Mudgap, with similar climates and altitudes.

Silver City is at the western end of the Rio Fangoso Trail that has run thorugh Mudgap, probably from the time of Juan de OƱate y Salazar.

The local cow college down in Las Cruces provides the cultural bona fides for Mudgap, and broadcasts its influence through the ether.

Everyone alive in 1960 remembers the sensation of the undefeated team. It's now officially become history. Even if you don't buy the book, you should click on the "pressbox" link above, and read the book review.

Webmaster: HalLownde@mudgapnm.com